Good news!

Dear friends of the Golden Land! Since October 8, 2022, a new regulation regarding entry into Myanmar has come into force. The previously mandatory PCR test before entry (which was not be older than three days) has been abolished! However, a test is still carried out upon entry. Travellers who test positive can ‘look forward’ to quarantine, covered by their Burmese health insurance … Furthermore, a return flight ticket and a first hotel booking must be shown, which should not be a problem.

In my opinion, this compulsory insurance is the biggest obstacle for travel to Myanmar. Let’s hope that it will be abolished soon. The presentation of international travel health insurance should be sufficient. A few friends of mine are currently travelling around the country on tourist visas, which are issued without any problems. They are enjoying the tranquillity at the major tourist destinations and some told me that it feels just like travelling in the old days. So, get your tourist visa a.s.a.p., and we will help you with the rest.

See you soon in Burma, Axel and Ei Ei

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